Thursday, January 27, 2011

State of My Wardrobe Address

Define Lust Sate of My Wardrobe

Designers, members of countless fashion networks, distinguished visitors, and fellow bloggers:

My blog structure declares that from time to time, the editor of Define Lust shall give to her visitors, information about the state of her wardrobe. I have yet to fulfill this duty. But when I started my blog, I promised I wouldn’t just write about what was popular, I was going to write about what was necessary, what I found interesting enough to share and put myself into these posts to show real, not the imitation of real. The state of my wardrobe is real and in complete disarray.

It is tempting to look back on my wardrobe decisions and assume that my progress was as expected – that my wardrobe has always been smart and in moments, trendy. But when I started digging deeper into the dark crevasses of my closet, much of my fashion sense came into doubt. The pink, blue, and yellow strappy sandals, no skirts to speak of, the abundant amount of one-wear heels, the miserable examples of boots, sweater dresses, and the lack of a proper winter coat, my wardrobe was anything but fashionable or organized. And despite all my shoe missteps and sartorial oversights, my wardrobe conquered these struggles because I chose to move forward with the tools I had in my closet and make them work for me.

I know the anxieties that are out there right now. They are not new. These struggles are the reason why I started my blog. These struggles are what I have dealt with for years, what my readers have dealt with. I hear them in my post comments and in emails that I read every day; have a bunch of clothes but nothing to wear, seeing different styles but not know how to make it your own, or being overwhelmed by extent of content in your wardrobe. 

So my wardrobe faces some big and difficult challenges in 2011. My most urgent tasks for this New Year is to understand my body type and identify my preferred style choices, explore up-and-coming designers, tackle DIY trends, discover shop-girls and their cute boutiques, and enjoy life outside of my wardrobe. This is not easy to do. If there was one thing that unified my wardrobe it would be the disconnect of pieces and the numerous unworn garments, in retrospect, I never really liked. This year will be different.

Now, as I attempt to stabilize my wardrobe, I must also take steps to get my random and impulsive shopping under control, restrain from as many shopping days as possible and help my wardrobe recover from over indulgence.

The ever changing world of fashion will sustain my wardrobe for more than enough years to come. I have finished a difficult assessment. I have come to a difficult conclusion. But a new year has come. A new wardrobe of stylish expectations stretches before me. I won’t miss it.

Let us all seize a moment to start anew, carry the confidence forward, and strengthen the state of our wardrobes.

Inspired by Mayor Bloomberg's State of the City and by President Obama's State of the Union address and their amazing speech writers, respectfully.


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