Monday, April 30, 2012

Models Я Us

Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeaux

I had another post prepped to send out but I was sidetracked when I came across the photo above. Now, this is not recent news (Summer 2011) but I still have to speak on it and get your opinions.

First seen in Vogue Enfant, the pouting face above is that of 10 year old (at time of photo) French model Thylane Léena-Rose Blondeau. The "Too Young to Model" controversy hit the wave when French magazine, Cadeaux, featured Thylane Blondeau in their August 2011 issue in the photo above and one of the photos below. Children's advocate groups were up in arms accusing the magazine and parents of child endangerment and other offenses. You can read/view the full Good Morning America news report regarding that part of the story.

This is a bit to much. I took five extra looks to make sure it was not a Photoshop image. These would be gorgeous photos if the model wasn't a baby vixen. I would rather not see these types of photos because we cannot control where they will eventually end up. The world is a crazy and dangerous place. Parents should protect not expose their children to this side of the world.

My opinion is not for everyone and these photos shouldn't be either. There are those that support these images.

I found Thylane Léna-Rose Blondeau Tumblr fan site, although it seems less of a fan site and more internally managed. The site does show us a different view of the young model, a more innocent [somewhat] and beautiful young girl.

For those that would ask where the parents are... father, Patrick Blondeau, a former international footballer and mother, Veronika Loubry, fashion designer. The family also includes a son, Ayrton Blondeau. Click to enlarge family photo (minus Ayrton) picture to the right.

Read full post to see more of Thylane Léna-Rose Blondeau racy magazine shoots. Then let me know what you think. Are we all overreacting? Would you let your daughter pose in these shoots? Fill us in on your thoughts.

Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau

via The Suite World


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